Also explain how participants can access the transcript/closed captions.Notify participants that live transcription/closed captioning will be used so that they are aware, similarly to how you would notify participants if the meeting was being recorded.Closed captioning should be enabled for meetings with 15 or more attendees AND when a participant requests it regardless of meeting size.Closed captioning should be the default and should always be enabled for symposiums, colloquiums, conferences, and other public meetings.If a copy of the full meeting transcript is desired, it is recommended that a host/co-host record the meeting to the cloud and use Zoom's automatically-generated transcript.However, this feature can be enabled if necessary. For privacy reasons, the ability for participants to save the full meeting transcript is disabled in Tufts Zoom account settings.The full transcript is searchable during the meeting and will indicate which participant said what.The automatically-generated transcript can be viewed as closed captions within the Zoom window, as well as a full transcript on the right-hand side of the window.Only hosts can turn the live transcript feature on during meetings.

This service is enabled by default in Tufts Zoom account settings, but can be disabled if desired.In order to use the feature, the scheduler of the Zoom meeting must have the live transcription service enabled in their Tufts Zoom settings before the meeting AND turn it on during individual meetings.Notes about the live transcription feature: Closed captioning should be the default and should always be enabled for symposiums, colloquiums, conferences, and other public meetings. Best practice for closed captioning is to enable it for meetings with 15 or more attendees AND when a participant requests it regardless of meeting size. Live transcription/closed captioning is available during Tufts Zoom meetings.